

Age years

Weight stones lbs

Height feet inches

Activity Level

Body fat %

Net carbs grams

Specify the amount of daily net carbs you'd like to consume. Typically, 20-30 grams is recommended to start with.



Maintenance level is the level at which your weight remains stable.

Your BMR is: 1536 kcal
Calories to consume: 2027 kcal
Your fat intake should be: 184 grams
Net Carbs Protein Fat
25 grams 69 grams 184 grams
100 kcal 275 kcal 1653 kcal
5 % 14 % 81 %


Below is a range of calorie deficits to help you lose weight. For best results, it is recommended that you opt for a moderate calorie deficit of 10-20%.

Small calorie deficit (11%)

Calories to consume: 1804 kcal
Your fat intake should be: 159 grams
Net Carbs Protein Fat
25 grams 69 grams 159 grams
100 kcal 275 kcal 1430 kcal
6 % 15 % 79 %

Moderate calorie deficit (22%)

Calories to consume: 1581 kcal
Your fat intake should be: 134 grams
Net Carbs Protein Fat
25 grams 69 grams 134 grams
100 kcal 275 kcal 1207 kcal
6 % 17 % 77 %

Large calorie deficit (33%)

Calories to consume: 1358 kcal
Your fat intake should be: 109 grams
Net Carbs Protein Fat
25 grams 69 grams 109 grams
100 kcal 275 kcal 984 kcal
7 % 20 % 73 %